Kamal Fathi Bitraf received the plaque of honor from the National Elite Foundation with the title "Entrepreneurship Excellence" at the 14th Festival of the Best National Entrepreneurs in 2022

In the 14th national top entrepreneurs festival, Kamal Fathi Bitraf, the founder of Arta Industrial Group and the respected CEO of Artaplast, was selected as the top entrepreneur from Ardabil province in the industry sector and was honored as the "top entrepreneur of the year".

Also, in recognition of his efforts in serving the country and the development of the country with the aim of discovering and identifying the best talents, guiding and empowering them to be effective in solving the country's problems and serving the society, the National Elite Foundation's "Entrepreneurship Excellence" plaque was awarded to Mr. Kamal Fathi. Neutral was awarded.

The Director General of the Office of Entrepreneurship Development and Workforce Productivity of the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare during her speech stated that the most important indicators for selecting the best national entrepreneur are employment, export, innovation, entrepreneurial character and social responsibility.

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